C&C Modular Cages Mission

Superior quality born of passion.
We are passionate about animals and making their lives comfortable and joyful. That is why we make sure that each of our products is made of top quality materials. High quality workmanship also translates into greater safety for your pets.
We change the definition of a cage and make pets happy.
All the time too many animals in Poland live in too small cages, additionally closed from the top. We have set ourselves the goal to change this unfavourable situation. Our work and efforts are bearing fruit, as the trend is getting more and more positive every year. Thousands of our satisfied customers, whose pets already live in C&C Modular Cages, contribute to this. Join them and together we change the definition of a cage. In our opinion, a cage should be a comfortable home for a pet, where it simply feels happy. The open top of modern C&C cages encourages more frequent human contact, which is a lot of fun for pets.
We give new meaning to design
In our opinion, enclosures, pens and cages for small animals can look just as nice and stylish as a new dresser or couch. We've noticed that most people with ordinary, classic cages and pens put them in a second room, on the first floor or somewhere else that is less accessible to guests. Why? Placing such an ordinary cage with metal wires and an unattractive looking litter box would spoil the look of the living room. Unfortunately, the negative effects of such "hiding" of an unattractive cage are very bad for pets - then they don't have sufficiently frequent contact with their household members. In contrast, modular cages from our C&C brand are a completely different product that can stylishly enrich the look of your home.